Bulldog Bites

新闻 and Views from the University of Redlands

U of R receives Hispanic Serving Institution designation

Palm trees frame the facade of the Administration Building.

美国.S. 教育部最近指定威尼斯人平台澳门威尼斯人官方网, 这一地位将允许该大学寻求各种联邦拨款资助机会,以加强项目, facilities, 以及更好地为西班牙裔/拉丁裔美国人和其他代表性不足的人口提供服务的服务.

Bulldog Blog 邀请了一些校园利益相关者来权衡这一称号对他们和大学的未来意味着什么:

“I am delighted … the U.S. 教育部指定威尼斯人平台澳门威尼斯人官方网. This designation can help us recruit a broad range of Hispanic/Latinx students, better support them on-campus, and pave the way for successful careers for these future leaders.”
Kathy Ogren, provost

“从我们的人口统计数据和我们服务的社区来看,HSI的称号是对我们现实的重要认可. 对于推动它前进的教职员工和学生来说,这是一项巨大的成就. I have the benefit of being a graduate of a Historically Black College/University, and I understand the importance of not just identity, 但, more importantly, the ways in which that shapes young people, what they think about, where they will attend school, and what they will do. 这与大学的未来及其发展相吻合——不仅仅是在学生数量方面, 但 also the students we bring in and the quality of the faculty we recruit. We may have even greater increases in the number of folks who identify as Latinx. 但 I hope we also have growth in terms of other people of color, who see this as a place that is open to and welcoming of other communities.”
Christopher Jones, senior diversity and inclusion officer

“In U of R’s doctoral program for educational justice, our driving mission is to uphold equity for all students. To me, our designation as an HSI is a practical application of these core values. It celebrates Redlands as a passionate advocate for Latinx students, recognizes their valuable contri但ions, and acknowledges our commitment to their future success.”
Anuradha Diekmann ’19 (MBA), ’24 (Ed.D.), associate director of corporate and foundation relations

“Becoming an HSI is such an important milestone in the University of Redlands’ history. 它肯定了我们在招募西班牙裔/拉丁裔学生及其家庭方面所做的工作,并巩固了我们加强工作和为招聘提供支持的基础设施的承诺, retention, and transition to career. 全国各地的大威尼斯人平台园里有很多很棒的项目,我迫不及待地想了解更多,看看雷德兰兹有什么可能. 的 HSI designation is the first step on our pathway to ensuring Latino student success. As a first-generation college student and Latina, I am personally committed to this work, 作为一所澳门威尼斯人官方网,我们和我们的学生可能会有机会,我对此感到兴奋.”
Belinda Sandoval Zazueta, associate vice president of admissions

“当我在整理豁免申请(哈佛恒生指数申请流程中的一个步骤)时,, 当我了解到哈佛大学在帮助和支持弱势群体和代表性不足的学生方面所做的努力时,我感到非常振奋. HSI的称号证明了我们作为一个机构的成就,以及我们的发展方向……(它)为我们提供了以前无法获得的资金机会. 这些机会可以为我们提供所需的资源,为我们日益多样化的学生群体提供更好的支持.”
Steven Moore, director of the Center for Spatial Studies, and director of sponsored programs

“Both the HSI designation and the journey to it have been meaningful. As a Latina higher education scholar, this is a professionally and personally exciting time to be at the University. 许多有影响力的组织多年来一直认为雷德兰兹是HSI,自从我们第一次达到25%的西班牙裔入学率以来,我们寻求正式的联邦认可表明我们对我们机构身份的这一方面感到自豪. Through conversations with many colleagues over the last year about becoming an HSI, 我能够了解到已经采取了许多措施来帮助拉丁裔学生在哈佛大学取得成功,也看到许多人都在共同致力于在这些努力的基础上更进一步. 联邦政府的指定将使我们能够寻求经济机会,帮助威尼斯人平台实现这一承诺,并朝着真正为学生服务的方向进一步发展.”
Adriana Alvarado, professor of education

“HSI的指定是对威尼斯人平台在帮助我们的西班牙裔/拉丁裔学生在个人和专业上取得成功方面所发挥的重要作用的认可. At the School of Business, we have embraced a diverse student body throughout our 40-plus year history. We are currently more diverse that ever with a student body that is 40% Hispanic, 62% people of color, and over 50% first-generation.  HSI的指定将使我们能够追求资源,以促进教育机会和经验,以造福当前和未来的学生.”
Thomas Horan, Senecal Endowed Dean of the School of Business

“对包括我在内的许多人来说,被指定为拉美裔服务机构是令人兴奋和充满希望的消息. 这种认可表明了雷德兰兹社区在公平方面即将发生的变化. This is a step forward for our University, 我还认为,更好地服务于代表性不足的学生,这是一种问责和责任. Now more than ever, the University has the opportunity to serve its students, not just Hispanic or Latinx students 但 also those who are Black, Indigenous, and students of color. 我很兴奋地看到在雷德兰兹将会发生什么,以及这种新的认可将带来什么样的资源.”
Montserrat Pineda ’22

“被指定为HSI是对过去十年来我们看到的西班牙裔学生入学率大幅增长的一种验证. 但, more importantly, 指定使我们有机会寻求资源,以支持和加强我们的拉丁裔学生在未来几年的教育经验, both inside and out of the classroom.”
Kevin Dyerly ’00, ’04 (MBA), vice president for finance

“吸引我来威尼斯人平台的一个因素是,学生群体的人口结构代表了它招收的学生所在地区. As a student, researcher, and faculty member in the sciences, 我的经验是,院校的组成很少反映它们为学生和教职员工所选择的地区. At each of my previous institutions, 有些人一直在努力提高代表性不足群体的入学率和保留率. I owe a debt to those people for their efforts. 在澳门威尼斯人官方网工作将帮助我使科学和大学教育成为未来学生的一条有吸引力和成功的道路. 我期待着帮助别人,作为对在我的职业生涯中帮助过我的人的回报.”
Martín Hoecker-Martínez, professor of physics

Learn more about diversity, equity, and inclusion at the University of Redlands.